How do reduce sleep-related back pain

Back pain is a common problem that many of us face during our everyday lives. From the ageing process to bad posture and various other factors, many common causes for this pain can lead to chronic back problems. People who suffer this way tend to use various pain relief methods, such as sleeping pills and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, these methods are not sustainable because they can be habit-forming and thus lead to dependency.
Instead of taking medications every night, several methods can be used to help reduce the back pain. This article will look at some of the most common ways to reduce sleep-related back pain.
Minimising back pain during sleep
1. Find the right position
Finding the right sleeping position can be of great help when it comes to minimising back pain. One of the most common positions is sleeping on the side, but some prefer other positions, such as sleeping on the stomach or back. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend staying away from sleeping on the stomach as it can put a lot of pressure on the spine, especially if the back has been injured.
2. Get a good mattress
A good mattress is also one of the things needed to minimise back pain, and if that’s not possible, updating an old mattress with a quality mattress topper can help avoid back pain. There are plenty of products to choose from, depending on needs and budget. For someone looking for the best mattress topper UK, Panda London boasts the finest quality mattress toppers that are affordable and can give a deserved comfort.
3. Maintain good posture
One of the causes of back pain is poor posture. By improving the posture and keeping it in check throughout the day, it’s possible to significantly reduce the back pain experienced during sleep. When it comes to maintaining good posture, many experts say that practising yoga is one of the best ways to do so. Stretching several times a day is ideal to loosen the muscles and thus improve posture throughout.
4. Get into and out of bed carefully
After stretching, another common way of reducing back pain at bedtime is by getting into bed as slowly and gently as possible. This is also known as “the five S’s”: slow descent, slow roll, squash, stretch and rise. Getting out of bed can be more complex than getting into it when trying to reduce back pain. One of the best ways to start getting out of bed is using a step stool. In addition, it is also important to get up slowly as this can help loosen up the joints and muscles.
5. Exercise the core
Exercising the core is one of the most effective things that can be done to reduce back pain. By doing this daily, it’s possible to strengthen the spinal muscles, which can help minimise sleep-related back pain. Using core exercises such as planks and push-ups can also be beneficial for minimising back pain because they will improve how supported the spine is and thus keep it in check throughout the day.
6. Establish a bedtime routine
By establishing a bedtime routine, it’s possible to relax the muscles and mind at the same time. In addition, doing the same activities before going to bed can improve sleep quality and thus minimise back pain.
7. Cut down on stress
Stress can be one of the causes that can lead to back pain, but it is also one of the factors that can help minimise this pain. It’s possible to reduce back pain and soothe the muscles by cutting down on any sources of tension at home and work.
8. Do yoga stretches before bed
Many yoga experts recommend practising stretches a few hours before bedtime to start reducing back pain. When it comes to stretching, one of the most common stretches is the cat stretch. This is because it will help relieve all of tight muscles and muscles that have been injured in the past, which can significantly reduce back pain.
In conclusion, back pain can be of great concern for many individuals, and it is one of the most common reasons for many to visit medical clinics. The tips in this article are some of the most common ways to help minimise the back pain and soothe the body throughout the night. It’s important to remember that these methods can be used alone, or it’s possible to combine them to get better and faster results.
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