How to make a bathroom more inviting to guests

When family and friends are coming over, everyone wants their home to be as inviting as possible, but sometimes it’s hard to see things from a guest’s perspective.
There’s nothing worse than arriving at someone’s home and finding that their bathroom is an absolute mess. We’ve all been there, whether it was finding out that there’s no hand towel or that the soap has been topped up with water one too many times. Anything that’s wrong with a bathroom can make for an unpleasant stay, so let’s iron out some of those issues.
If the bathroom is very old and in need of some serious renovations, it might be time to give it an overhaul to to get it into top shape. There are excellent tradesmen all over the country, and homeowners can hire a bathroom designer in Glasgow, London, Canterbury or anywhere else, but if there isn’t the time or the budget, here’s a look at these easy-to-action tips to transform a guest’s visit.
Have plenty of toiletries
Guests don’t always bring their own toiletries, especially if they’re travelling light. Therefore, a host’s bathroom should have everything they need. This includes basics like hand soap and shower gel, but should also include things like body lotion, hair conditioner and sanitary products. If people don’t come over often, these don’t have to be big tubs, but failing to provide essentials for visitors will leave them feeling uncomfortable.
Give them some storage
If a guest is going to be staying for a few days, it might be worth clearing an area where they can store their things. At the very least, moving some things out of the way so they have a place to hang their towel and put their pyjamas will make them feel welcome. Otherwise, guests may be forced to put their clothes on the floor while they shower, which is never pleasant. All that’s needed is a small surface or cabinet that they can use to put things on.
Invest in towels and rugs
There’s nothing better than being handed a soft, clean towel when arriving at someone’s home. If towels are scratchy and threadbare or have a musty smell that just won’t wash away, it’s time to go shopping. Towels don’t have to be Egyptian cotton, but they should be fluffy and fresh. Similarly, there should always be a clean, dry bath mat or rug set down on the floor before guests take a shower. Stepping directly onto cold tiles or a bath mat that’s already damp can be very unpleasant.
Deep clean
This should be a given, it’s surprising how many people don’t give their bathrooms a good scrub before people come to stay. Even if a bathroom looks clean enough to the homeowner, it might not be for their guests. It’s all too easy to spot grime when one doesn’t see a space on a daily basis, so setting aside some time with those cleaning sprays before guests arrive is essential.
Making a bathroom inviting isn’t rocket science, but it does require hosts to step into their guests’ shoes and think about what they would like.
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