The Lathums – From Nothing to a Little Bit More

Wigan’s The Lathums have proven themselves to be a breath of fresh air. They’re one of the UK’s most promising up-and-coming indie acts, a staple on the festival circuit and earned strong reviews for their number one debut How Beautiful Life Can Be in 2021. The band return with their sophomore effort, From Nothing to a Little Bit More.
There are promising signs from the off that The Lathums have bucked the second album curse: Struggle showcases burgeoning musical scope, opening with a subdued piano intro and building into something that sounds more like the band’s usual style. This is echoed later on in the record with Turmoil, also heavily constructed around the piano, with some luscious strings. Say My Name is one of the group’s strongest tracks to date, an example of their sound operating at its best, culminating in an impressive guitar solo and highlighting Alex Moore’s vocals.
I Know is a convincing shift in tempo and timbre, again showing Moore’s impressive range, along with the group’s overall depth and the variety they are capable of. Lucky Bean offers infectious energy from head to toe and is sure to be a live hit.
The group’s growth is evident in Rise and Fall, particularly in their guitar prowess, which impresses across the album. As with other tracks on this release, Sad Face Baby builds into something more expansive with a restrained opening.
Land And Sky develops slowly into one of the band’s most explosive songs, built around another excellent guitar solo and going in a direction we might not expect from their work to date. Final track Undeserving is an epic way to close out a great record: eight minutes long, acoustic and stripped-back, it doesn’t feel its length and is further proof of the group’s growing aspirations and influences.
This is a fine second offering from The Lathums, expanding on the first album’s promise and cementing their growing reputation. It’s easy to picture festival-goers having a blast with many of the songs. This is a release that shows no shortage of ambition and is a firm statement from The Lathums that they should be taken seriously – one we should well and truly listen to. From Nothing to a Little More underlines a distinctive sound that has lost none of its potency and continues to impress in a crowded marketplace. What this record ultimately proves is that the band are no one-trick pony and have plenty left for fans to unravel.
Christopher Connor
From Nothing to a Little Bit More is released on 3rd March 2023. For further information or to order the album visit The Lathums’s website here.
Watch the video for the single Struggle here: