Peter Pan & Wendy: On the red carpet with Jude Law, Yara Shahidi, Ever Anderson and Alexander Molony

Next in the Disney canon to get the live-action treatment is 1953 animation Peter Pan, based on the beloved JM Barrie Neverland-set tale of Peter and Wendy. Ahead of the film launching exclusively on Disney+, The Upcoming were treated to a night on the red carpet at the Curzon Mayfair with the stars of the new film, whose spirits remained elated despite the blistering wind, rain and cold.
Erstwhile heartthrob Jude Law is much-transformed as the villainous Captain Hook in the new film. He stopped to discuss the complexity of the character and how he managed to relate to and understand the man’s damaged psyche. With the help of director David Lowery, he was given a rich backstory to explore the pain and difficulties Hook had experienced, which led him down his dark path. Law also shared his perspective on how playing the pirate led him to see the character as the hero and Pan as the villain. The actor hopes that the retelling of this classic tale will resonate with audiences today, while also delivering the excitement and thrill that has captivated fans for over a hundred years since Barrie first wrote the story.
The stunning Yara Shahidi then told us about taking on the role of Tinkerbell, highlighting the fresh, female-focused perspective that the story takes, and the importance of the evolved relationship between Tinkerbell and Wendy, crediting director David Lowery for redefining their bond. The actress also reflected on the surreal experience of being part of such an iconic fairy tale, hoping that this version will create new norms and inspire others to dream big. Shahidi further revealed that her version of Tinkerbell was influenced by various sources, including previous portrayals, silent movie clips and iconic performers such as Josephine Baker and Charlie Chaplin.
The breakout stars who play the titular Peter Pan and Wendy, Alexander Molony and Ever Anderson (daughter of Milla Jovovich), shared their admiration for Law’s portrayal of Hook, highlighting the contrast between his on-screen persona and his gentlemanly behaviour off-screen. They both also expressed their excitement over the stunts and fight scenes they performed, as well as the friendships and pranks that took place on-set. The actors agreed that this adaptation brings a more contemporary spin to the classic tale, with Wendy portrayed as Peter’s equal and a more empowered leader. They believe the updated version of the story will resonate with a new generation while still maintaining the essence of the beloved characters. Sharing a few secrets from the set, Anderson and Molony revealed an amusing caper involving a voice-activated coffee machine and some embarrassing moments during the filming of their fight scenes.
Sarah Bradbury
Peter Pan & Wendy is released on Disney+ on 28th April 2023.
Watch the trailer for Peter Pan & Wendy here: