My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

The spin-off of a spin-off of a 00s romcom: it’s actually quite a promising recipe, so far as the feel-good genre goes. What’s more, it’s only a seven-year wait this time around: sweet relief, given the world was left hanging for 14 years between instalments one and two.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 is rather unlike its predecessors in a number of ways – and welcome ways at that. The series has understandably found it necessary to depart from its formula somewhat, and the result is more refreshing than it is ineffectual in comparison. Writer, star and now director Nia Vardalos returns with strength (particularly in her writing game), and the rest of the cast make their returns too. There is something quite pleasing about a franchise actually being able to cobble a complete company back together after a lengthy absence.
This film is relatively funny (in a hit-and-miss rather than mediocre sense) and is pleasingly shot. It makes a wonderful advert for the nation of Greece, in which it is for the first time actually set. Scenes are chopped together in some slightly curious ways, with some suspicious transitions, but no major cinematic crimes are committed in this regard. It’s nice and short, and packed with the most inoffensive series of micro-dilemmas that can be imagined, making it a happy and light family-friendly watch.
The wedding that does end up occurring (this hopefully isn’t an overly shocking spoiler) is a highlight and finalises the piece beautifully. The event is intriguing, diverse, visually stunning and its joy is absolute. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 is a strong instalment within its trilogy. It may feature, here and there, some spots of clunkiness, including an unfortunate few moments of imperfect acting. Nevertheless, there is great happiness within this film, and it’s one to enjoy when the mind seeks an untroubled hour or two.
Will Snell
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 is released nationwide on 8th September 2023.
Watch the trailer for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 here: