World of Warcraft Dragonflight Outlaw Rogue best builds and BiS

Outlaw Rogue is one of the most popular DPS classes in the game and is considered the best specialisation from the Rogue job. This spec provides one of the most consistent damage upkeep due to their excellent cleave attacks and reliable cooldown uptime. While this DPS class will most likely get accepted to any raid group, players should optimise their builds to ensure consistent activity performance to farm WoW Gold efficiently. This guide will give gamers the best options on how to build their Outlaw Rogue.
Outlaw Rogue overview
This class belongs to the top DPS tiers and is highly valued in raid groups, especially Mythic+. Outlaw Rogues focuses on dealing consistent damage while managing their resources to ensure attack upkeep. They are highly valued for their outstanding cleave attacks, which help eliminate mobs..
Outlaw Rogue is considered a high-skill ceiling class because it is a highly reactive field. Players who like jobs that require quick thinking and good reflexes will enjoy this specialisation the most. After recent patches, Outlaw Rogue became easier to optimise due to their reworked talent tree.
Best races for Outlaw Rogue
The best Outlaw Rogue races exhibit traits that provide them with survivability or utilities that allow them to be hard to pin down. There are very few races that have these sorts of passives and skills. Here are all the races that are the best fit for Outlaw Rogue:
- Night Elf (Shadowmeld ability)
- Human (Will to Survive ability)
- Orc (Blood Fury and Hardiness abilities)
- Blood Elf (Arcane Torrent and Alter Time abilities)
Outlaw Rogue stat priority
This class prioritises stats that can allow them to cast more abilities in a shorter period or ramp up the damage they deal. These attributes are offense-heavy and highly important to DPS specs. Here is the stat priority for Outlaw Rogue:
- Versatility
- Critical Strike
- Mastery
- Haste
Best talents for Outlaw Rogue
Outlaw Rogue’s builds don’t vary much in most situations. Gamers will only need two presets to alternate between single-target DPS to multi-target setups to adjust to their raids’ needs. Here are the best talent builds for this class:
Overall Cleave-Damage Build
Rogue Tree
- Shiv
- Blind
- Cloak of Shadows
- Evasion
- Airborne Irritant
- Shadowstep
- Cheat Death
- Tricks of the Trade
- Nimble Fingers
- Improved Sprint
- Shadowrunner
- Fleet Footed
- Iron Stomach
- Featherfoot
- Subterfuge
- Atrophic Poison
- Deadened Nerves
- Graceful Guile
- Deadly Precision
- Recuperator
- Improved Ambush
- Leeching Poison
- Acrobatic Strikes
- Alacrity (2)
- Soothing Darkness
- Vigor (2)
- Nightstalker (2)
- Deeper Stratagem
- Shadow Dance
Outlaw Tree
- Opportunity
- Adrenaline Rush
- Retractable Hook
- Combat Potency
- Combat Stamina
- Hit and Run
- Float Like a Butterfly
- Precision Shot
- Devious Stratagem
- Thief’s Versatility
- Fatal Flourish
- Quick Draw
- Deft Maneuvers
- Ruthlessness
- Loaded Dice
- Ace Up Your Sleeve
- Improved Between the Eyes
- Audacity
- Improved Adrenaline Rush
- Dancing Steel
- Underhanded Upper Hand
- Ghostly Strike
- Count the Odds
- Precise Cuts
- Take ‘em by Surprise (2)
- Fan the Hammer
- Hidden Opportunity
- Crackshot
Single-Target DPS Build
Rogue Tree
- Bind
- Cloak of Shadows
- Evasion
- Shadowstep
- Master Poisoner
- Cheat Death
- Tricks of the Trade
- Nimble Fingers
- Improved Sprint
- Shadowrunner
- Fleet Footed
- Iron Stomach
- Unbreakable Stride
- Featherfoot
- Subterfuge
- Atrophic Poison
- Deadened Nerves
- Graceful Guile
- Deadly Precision
- Recuperator
- Improved Ambush
- Leeching Poison
- Lethality
- Alacrity (2)
- Soothing Darkness
- Vigor (2)
- Nightstalker (2)
- Deeper Stratagem
- Shadow Dance
Outlaw Tree
- Opportunity
- Adrenaline Rush
- Retractable Hook
- Combat Potency
- Hit and Run
- Blinding Powder
- Float Like A Butterfly
- Precision Shot
- Heavy Hitter
- Devious Stratagem
- Thief’s Versatility
- Fatal Flourish
- Quick Draw
- Ruthlessness
- Swift Slasher
- Loaded Dice
- Ace Up Your Sleeve
- Improved Between the Eyes
- Audacity
- Improved Adrenaline Rush
- Underhanded Upper Hand
- Ghostly Strike
- Blade Rush
- Take ‘em by Surprise (2)
- Fan the Hammer (2)
- Hidden Opportunity
- Crackshot
Best skill rotations
General Rotation Guide
- Blade Flurry > Adrenaline Rush > Slice and Dice > Sinister Strike > Ambush > Pistol Shot > Opportunity > Shadow Dance > Dispatch > Between the Eyes > Shadow Dance > Vanish > Subterfuge > Roll the Bones > Loaded Dice > Adrenaline Rush > Blade Rush > Ghostly Strike > Shadow Dance > Slide and Dice
Single-Target Rotation
- Roll the Bones > Blade Flurry > Underhanded Upper Hand > Slide and Dice > Underhanded Upper Hand > Adrenaline Rush > Between the Eyes > Vanish > Shadow Dance > Crackshot > Blade Rush > Ghostly Strike > Dispatch > Vanish/Shadow Dance > Between the Eyes > Ambush during Shadow Dance > Pistol Shot during Shadow Dance > Broadside > Ambush > Sinister Strike
Multi-Target Rotation
- Roll the Bones > Blade Flurry > Underhanded Upper Hand > Slice and Dice > Underhanded Upper Hand > Adrenaline Rush > Between the Eyes > Crackshot > Blade Rush > Ghostly Strike > Blade Flurry > Dispatch > Vanish/Shadow Dance > Between the Eyes > Ambush during Shadow Dance > Pistol Shot during Shadow Dance > Broadside > Ambush > Sinister Strike
BiS Gear for Outlaw Rogue
Fortunately for Outlaw Rogues, they don’t need to make too many adjustments when playing this class. The best sets for any Mythic carry will come from the latest Mythic+ raids or items high on the meta list. Here are the best sets for this class:
Overall BiS
- Mainhand Weapon: Throncaller Claw
- Offhand Weapon: Nick of Time
- Helm: Life-Bound Cap
- Neck: Ouroboreal Necklet
- Shoulder: Lucid Shadewalker’s Bladed Spaulders
- Cloak: Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl
- Chest: Lucid Shadewalker’s Cuirass
- Bracers: Needlessly Complex Wristguards
- Gloves: Lucid Shadewalker’s Clawgrips
- Belt: Life-Bound Belt
- Legs: Lucid Shadewalker’s Chausses
- Boots: Toxic Thorn Footwraps
- Ring #1: Signet of the Last Elder
- Ring #2: Signet of Titanic Insight
- Trinket #1: Cataclysmic Signet Brand
- Trinket #2: Coiled Serpent Idol
Mythic+ BiS
- Mainhand Weapon: Soulcharmer’s Bludgeon
- Offhand Weapon: Nick of Time
- Helm: Life-Bound Cap
- Neck: Raven Filigree Pendant
- Shoulder: Lucid Shadewalker’s Bladed Spaulders
- Cloak: Raal’s Bib
- Chest: Lucid Shadewalker’s Cuirass
- Bracers: Venerated Raptorhide Bindings
- Gloves: Lucid Shadewalker’s Clawgrips
- Belt: Belt of Gleaming Determination
- Legs: Lucid Shadewalker’s Chausses
- Boots: Toxic Thorn Footwraps
- Ring #1: Thornwoven Band
- Ring #2: Lord Waycrest’s Signet
- Trinket #1: Accelerating Sandglass
- Trinket #2: Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows
Best enchant for each piece
- Mainhand Weapon: Enchant Weapon – Frozen Devotion
- Offhand Weapon: Enchant Weapon – Frozen Devotion
- Helm: Incandescent Essence
- Cloak: Enchant Cloak – Writ of Leech
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Waking Stats
- Bracers: Enchant Bracer – Devotion of Leech
- Belt: Shadowed Belt Clasp
- Legs: Fierce Armor Kit
- Boots: Enchant Booths – Plainsrunner’s Breeze
Best gems
In terms of Gems, players should have at least one Resplendent Illimited Diamond and one Inscribed Illimited Diamond in their sockets. Outlaw Rogues must use Radiant Malygite or Tiered Medallion Setting for the rest of the items.
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