“We let our connection be part of the beauty that unfolds between Sam and Catherine”: Elliot Page, Hillary Baack and Dominic Savage at BFI Flare

Written and directed by Dominic Savage, Close to You is an intimate drama about a trans man called Sam (Elliot Page) who decides to make the trip from his home in Toronto back to his childhood town and visit his parents for his father’s birthday. His unease at attending the event is paired with the joy of rekindling a friendship and possible romance with his old childhood friend Katherine (Hillary Baack), whom he shares the train journey there with.
Savage worked closely with Page to sensitively bring this subject matter to screen and a unique unscripted format aims to add a deeper sense of authenticity to this feature. The cinematography by Catherine Lutes heightens the realism with long takes and close-up portraiture camerawork underpinned by an emotive musical score.
The Upcoming had the pleasure of speaking to Elliot Page and Hillary Baack coming on board to work with Savage and the appeal of the premise of the improvised film. They also chatted about their favourite moments together on set and their stand-out scenes.
We also spoke to the director about collaborating with Page on this narrative, how the music is also an important part of the storytelling and some of his favourite moments when shooting this film.
Ezelle Alblas
Close to You does not have a release date yet. For more information about BFI Flare, visit their website here.