Remembrance Monday at Seven Dials Playhouse

A chilling exploration of love and loss, Remembrance Monday successfully portrays the relationship of a gay couple against the backdrop of a world that barely accepts them. While the play at times stretches itself too thin – trying to tackle bullying, homophobia, jealousy, dementia and more – in the humble span of just 80 minutes, the emotional payoff is powerful and the main plot tightly woven.
The central premise is that Connor (Matthew Stathers) is about to go to a birthday party with Julius (Nick Hayes) staying behind and asking him not to go. Their relationship is harmonious: their rapport is electric, they have the same sense of humour and are clearly deeply in love. But something traumatic happens that evening, and throughout the play, Julius suffers from variations of repetitions of the moment Connor is about to leave. It quickly becomes apparent that Julius is suffering from early-onset dementia and the occurrences of the play are mostly fragmented memories haunting him as he tries to make sense of his surroundings.
The writing is generally strong, with some good laughs at the start of the play – often rather camp in character – but it is in the dramatic moments that it is as its best. Hayes and Stathers are an excellent duo with fitting chemistry throughout. They deliver their lines with absolute conviction, conjuring the best out of Michael Batter’s script that they can. It’s just a pity, then, that a lot of the issues that are tackled are only treated superficially due to the short runtime. The main themes of dementia and the difficulties of a loving relationship are explored well but there are so many minor themes that seem like an afterthought, leaving one wishing for a longer runtime to do them justice.
Neverthelessm it’s a powerful play, and director Alan Souza conjures some striking imagery within the tight space at Seven Dials Playhouse. Andrew Exeter’s minimalist set, coupled with Jack Weir’s lighting, creates some subtle atmosphere that works nicely.
All this makes Remembrance Monday definitely worth a visit. While a bit too ambitious in scope for the limited runtime, the central drama is pulled off exceedingly well, resulting in a performance that is both moving and entertaining.
Michael Higgs
Images: Danny Kaan
Remembrance Monday is at Seven Dials Playhouse from 23rd April until 1st June 2024. For further information or to book visit the theatre’s website here.