
A beautifully constructed drama, Crossing (written and directed by Levan Akin) sees retired Georgian teacher Lia (Mzia Arabuli) travel across the border to Turkey in search of her transgender niece. She’s joined by her young neighbour Achi (Lucas Kankava), who’s all too eager to get away from his loutish older brother. The film is set up to be a road trip movie in which these two opposing characters make their way to Istanbul (where Tekla is believed to be staying) and form an unlikely friendship along the way. And while that element is present, Akin throws a clever curve ball into the mix. When the pair arrive in the city, the plot moves between the stories of two children living on the street and a trans woman played by Deniz Dumanli, who volunteers at an LGBTQ+ centre, as their lives intersect.
Istanbul is “a place where people go to disappear”, Lia tells Achi in one scene. However, Crossing is a movie that’s about being found. Alongside the obvious plot point about searching for the missing niece, this is also a story about self-discovery and connecting with others. Even with Lia’s language barrier (Achi uses his loose knowledge of Turkish and English to translate), she’s able to form kinships with some locals and, in one of the most uplifting scenes, joyously dance down a street full of revellers.
While the spotlight is predominately fixed on Lia and Achi’s search, the other characters also get their time to shine onscreen, even if their narratives aren’t as interesting in comparison. What makes each protagonist stand out, though, is the solid performances given by each actor, with Arabuli being a particular highlight. Despite Lia’s hardened exterior, there’s a tenderness to her that reveals the real reason behind why she’s so desperate to find Tekla.
Elevated by its collection of wonderful performances, Levan Akin’s Crossing is a moving tale about human connection.
Andrew Murray
Crossing is released nationwide on 19th July 2024.
Watch the trailer for Crossing here: