Discover lasting confidence with dental bonding

Dental bonding is a revaluation in dental treatment that restores minor teeth defects with minimally invasive procedures. Composite Bonding London can help you in regaining a perfect smile that boosts your confidence. It is a less time-consuming and budget-friendly dental cosmetic option. Teeth defects such as chipped and fractured teeth due to accidental falls can be perfectly corrected with tooth colour dental bonding treatment.
What type of defects dental bonding can address effectively?
A composite dental bonding treatment can fix a variety of cosmetic issues, from teeth discolouration to misshapen and abnormal size of teeth. It flawlessly restores teeth defects according to individual natural teeth colour. A dental bonding treatment can improve smile aesthetics in following dental issues.
Restore a chipped and cracked tooth
Accidental falls and injuries can cause cracked or chipped teeth; front teeth are mostly affected and cause smile imperfection. Restorative experts prefer Dental bonding treatment in these situations because it is less invasive than other cosmetic treatments. Dental bonding treatment restores the cracked and chipped teeth according to individual natural teeth colour.
Hide teeth discolouration
Hard or intrinsic discolouration that is difficult to remove with dental whitening treatment, dental bonding treatment easily covers this hard stain, seamlessly blending with natural teeth and making a sparkling radiant smile.
Resolve the gap between the teeth
Gaps between front teeth make the smile imperfect; expert dentists evaluate the cause of gap conditions to identify the problem root such as developmental defects, then fill the gap with the help of dental bonding treatment. Composite resin is added to the adjacent teeth to close the gap between the teeth. Dental bonding easily restores the front teeth gap in single visits as compared to other options such as orthodontic treatment.
Make teeth in perfect shape
Different development defects and trauma can cause misshapen teeth, dental professionals use dental bonding to restore the shape of the tooth, they expertly sculpt the shape and size of the tooth with composition resin to make a perfect smile line.
Covered exposed tooth surface
Gum recession can expose the root leading to tooth sensitivity, and dental decay, mostly it happens in front teeth and affects the dental aesthetics, dental bonding treatment covers the exposed root surface and improves dental and gum health by preventing bacterial damage.
Restore worn teeth
Teeth clenching or night grinding is an involuntary parafunctional habit that affects teeth’ surface due to continuous contact and rubbing with opposing teeth, in severe conditions loss of surface layer causes underlying teeth tissue exposure and sensitivity. Dental bonding restores the surface layer, covers the occlusal surface and improves the chewing function. With dental bond treatment; counselling and habit breakers are used to decrease parafunctional habits.
Improving teeth size
In a perfect smile line; upper teeth display at an ideal length, decrease in upper teeth exposure affects smile perfection. Fractures or development defects can cause a decrease in the size of front teeth, dental bonding lengthens the teeth to perfect relation with lips and make a perfect smile. The advantage of dental bonding treatment is; that it is completely reversible so can easily be replaced with other cosmetic options.
Dental bonding with other treatments to make a smile perfect
Dental bonding treatment is effectively combined with other dental treatments to make a complete smile makeover; in patients with multiple dental aesthetics and functional issues, expert dental specialists make a comprehensive treatment plan according to individual dental needs; to make a perfect flawless radiant smile. Some dental producers combine dental bonding treatments to enhance the results such as:
Dental bonding with teeth whitening treatment
Expert dentists perform teeth whitening treatment with dental bonding treatment to remove stubborn and hard stains that are difficult to remove with whitening treatment alone; it is also used to restore chipped and fractured parts of teeth. Dentists perform teeth whitening treatment first and then apply dental bonding according to the patient natural teeth shade, which improves whitening treatment results. The dentist also recommends avoiding staining food-causing food and beverages to enhance the results of whitening and bonding treatment.
Dental bonding with crown and veneer
Dental crowns are used to protect tooth structures, and dental veneer treatment restores multiple tooth defects; dental bonding treatment combines with this treatment to restore minor defects in multiple dental issues. Expert cosmetic dentists make a comprehensive treatment plan in which they decide the specific type of restoration for specific teeth according to the defect size requirements. Dentists are also careful about shade and material selection, so the final results seamlessly blend and give a perfect smile makeover.
Dental bonding with orthodontics treatment
Composite bonding treatment combines with orthodontic treatment to make refined and awesome treatment results. After orthodontics treatment, when all the teeth are aligned, bonding treatments are used to fix chipped, misshapen teeth, which can’t be restored with orthodontics treatment.
Dental bonding treatment with gum surgery
Gum lines have a deep impact on dental aesthetics and gum health of the oral cavity, gum surgeries are performed in recession and excessive gum lines to couture the gum according to individual dental aesthetics. After gum alignment, dental bonding treatment contours the teeth to make a perfect and balanced smile, gum contorting along with dental bonding treatment creates a harmonious smile line.
Dental bonding treatment with ant-wrinkle injections and filler treatment
Filler and Anti-wrinkle treatments are performed to make complete and perfect aesthetic smiles, mostly performed by dentists for gummy smiles in which gum contouring is not possible. Filler enhances lip fullness, relaxes lips and gives youth a full appearance. Dental bonding contours the teeth to make a balanced and complete smile makeover. Anti-wrinkle treatments and bonding treatments restore facial and dental imperfections comprehensively.
Dental bonding treatment is the best cosmetic dental option for minor dental defects; it preserves tooth structures and perfectly restores a smile in less time. It is a budget-friendly option for fixing the gaps between front teeth and hiding stubborn, hard dental stains. It combines with different dental and cosmetic treatments to create a balanced oral function and aesthetics.
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