Vielma uses 82-year-old model to front latest campaign

Chile-born designer Gabriel Vielma is renowned for his, at times, controversial marketing campaigns, and for his latest Gothic Glam collection he continues to shock and excite by using an 82-year-old model to promote the fashion line.
Vielma studied industrial design in Madrid, but dabbled in numerous other creative craft industries such as glassmaking ceramics before realising that fashion design was the only way “to bring to life the forms, colours, textures and movement in his mind”.
His past collections saw dark, heavy leather and sheer fabrics combined to make an appealing ensemble and this new line follows in the same juxtaposing footsteps. Vielma often creates contrasting clothing lines that see conflicting materials and styles working together in perfect harmony to generate interesting and powerful pieces.
For his Gothic Glam campaign, Vielma has taken it one step further by putting his modern, young designs on an older, graceful model; the result is striking, beautiful and most certainly enticing.
The young charm of the leather separates and spiked necklaces, in contrast with the models sophistication and composed nature, invites you into Vielma’s intriguing new line.
Gothic Glam is a strong, youthful collection and the model in question, Jenni Rhodes, brings out the elegance of the pieces and wears them just as stylishly as a model in her 20s would. Although the garments are clearly on trend and work both as separates and as completed outfits, the fact that they are being modelled by an 82-year-old female shows how versatile and appealing they are to all age groups.
As Vielma continues to excite, enthral and push against the boundaries in the world of fashion, it will be exciting to see what his next move will be.
Emily Rose Vierke
Photos: Courtesy of Vielma
To check out his latest Gothic Glam collection head over to the website here.