Love Poppy: the exclusive shopping experience at your fingertips
Love Poppy is like having your very own personal shopping directory. For those of us who dislike shopping or simply just do not have the time, surf Love Poppy’s website and they will do all the work for you.
From independent labels to Wildfox Couture, Love Poppy handpick brands of beautiful designs from all over the world, from jewellery to T-shirts, headwear to beachwear, there is something to suit all occasions.
What’s more, to celebrate new arrivals, Love Poppy often offer discounts, the most recent is the Wildfox jewellery, and if you use the code featured on the home page they offer you a whopping 20% off! Personally, we would opt for the Wildfox Shooting Star Ring which is a beautifully designed 14ct Rose Gold Plated ring with wraparound stars and would add a touch of glamour to your outfit for the weekend celebrations.
If Wildfox is not your thing, fear not. The travel section features Love Poppy jetting to different countries around the world and picking the best brands they have found, to make available for us lucky people, who are unable to jet to Columbia right now for these handmade Phuket shoes by Agua Bendita. These are ideal for summer, and the coloured beads have turned a minimal shoe into something your friends will envy.
The prices really do range from very affordable to quite expensive, however you have to think that the brands from around the world are being made exclusive to you and won’t be seen in any high street store in the UK.
So if, like us, sometimes you do not have the time to browse the internet for something entirely unique, or jet off to Paris for that brand you love, head over to the Love Poppy website here for all the exclusive brands right at your fingertips.
Collette Hagan