Valentine’s Day beauty plan 2013

Hey girls! How many of you have fulfilled the daring deed of booking in a date on Valentine’s Day? Very brave, we have to admit. Failing that, if you’re going to be out with friends partying your heart out, you’ve also earned our admiration. Let’s face it – Valentine’s Day is not a day for sitting home alone eating Ben & Jerry’s whilst watching The Notebook. This is neither bright, nor productive, so follow The Upcoming’s four day plan to get even sexier. Put on your dancing shoes (we’ll get to that bit later), and go forth and have fun!
Day one: Monday 11th February… It begins
- Today is the day you cut out dairy and fizzy drinks. These two areas of tasty temptation cause us to bloat more than any other, and it’s always a nice confidence boost to have a flat tummy when trying to make an effort. If you care bear it, ditch the wine until date day and stick with the spirits.
- Restart that scrub, cleanse, tone, moisturise routine NOW. This will give your skin time to expel all the nasties and to get glowing and soft.
- Think of your lip balm and hand moisturiser as your survival kit out in the world. Do not leave the house without them!
- Make yourself a scrummy dinner along the lines of salmon, potatoes and your favourite veg (we would go for peas, broccoli and corn on the cob, personally) and go out for a ten-minute walk down the street afterwards.
- When you go to bed, cover your feet in a tasty smelling foot cream and wear some fluffy socks. The results are almost instantaneous! Also, put a little bit of Vaseline or conditioner on your eyelashes before bed… just trust us.
Day two: Tuesday 12th February… Ouch!
- Right girls, today is that day. If you can afford it, go and get yourself a Brazilian. If you’re a leg waxer, today is the day for this chore also. But fear not! Treat yourself. Massages can be anywhere between £20 and £30, especially if you have a student card.
- Keep your meals simple and veg heavy… get as much fish into your diet as possible. All those good oils will make your hair shiny, your teeth and nails strong and your skin glow.
- Go for a ten-minute jog just as you start to feel hungry for dinner.
- Get at least eight hours sleep.
- Pluck any unwanted stray hairs… you all know what we mean!
Day three: Wednesday 13th February… Getting serious
- Today is your day. Before work, take 15 minutes to do some sun salutations in your room. They wake you up, are incredibly good for all aspects of physicality and will make you feel good for yourself. This Yogatic Morning Routine video is a great place to start, so do it twice!
- Have happy food for breakfast. Porridge with water, grapefruit or scrambled eggs with half an avocado. Remember, no dairy!
- As soon as you get in from work, fill up a big bowl with warm water. Pour in some sea salt and let four camomile teabags brew in there for a bit. Let your feet soak whilst watching TV and give yourself a simple manicure. If, like us, you can’t multi-task that well, get some girls over and make a night of pampering each other.
- Don’t be fooled. Day three out of four is not the day you should be giving yourself a face steam or mask. It will bring all the dirt to the surface and you might get a very unwelcome zit!
- Avoid unnatural carbs. Have a jacket potato with tuna and sweetcorn. Yum!
- Give yourself a pedicure. It doesn’t have to be bejewelled wonderment, just neat, pretty and trimmed.
Day four: Thursday 14th February… Today’s the day!
- Again, do your yoga before anything else. We promise it sets you up to have a good day, tried and tested!
- If you’re not a waxer, this morning is the time to shave your legs and let them breathe throughout the day.
- Today is definitely a fish and veggies only day, don’t cheat now! This said, don’t starve yourself; this will not contribute to decent conversation later tonight.
The hours before…
- Have a sea salt bath. This will relax you, remove toxins, de-bloats and will make your skin super soft and touchable.
- Touch up any nail mishaps that might have happened throughout the day.
- Go easy on the hairspray – rock solid tresses are just not sexy.
- Make sure you’re wearing appropriate and flattering underwear. Mr Gok Wan has some great advice on this if you click here.
- Pick a modestly sexy outfit. Leave something to the imagination, but definitely give your admirers something to imagine. We’ve chosen this piece from It’s demure, but oh so “come hither” and only £22!
- Gently exfoliate your skin and use a non-oily moisturiser all over.
- Brush your teeth and floss within an inch of their lives! Take the floss with you in your handbag, especially if you’re going out for a meal.
- Don’t go crazy with the make-up. We’d advise a thin layer of foundation, just a swipe of bronzer and a natural smoky eye. Make sure your mascara defines your lashes and doesn’t clump them. As for lips, stick with the balm and go natural, or go for a natural pink. Avoid plumping glosses!
- Before you leave the house, take the advice from Coco Chanel… Take off one accessory. Your smile is definitely sparkly enough!
Now you’re ready. Go out and have a ball, whatever it is you may be doing!
Elizabeth Finney