Joseph K stands in a dimly lit jail cell, crazed scratchings of...
Todd Solondz is well known as a filmmaker who revels in the dark and twisted...
The fifth film in the Ice Age series, Collision Course is yet further proof that the...
Green Day’s American Idiot, the musical, returns to the UK, bursting...
Legendary 90s pop-punk band Blink-182’s long-awaited new album California...
Beauty becomes insanity in Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon, where aesthetics trump all in...
Legality, morality and hard judgement calls are the key underpinnings of this drone thriller that...
God exists and he’s not the benevolent deity we’ve been...
The artistic lovechild of renowned French horse...
Even if you aren’t usually one to follow world events, you will have likely heard...