Fresh from her Fine Art degree, Amy currently lives in Stratford-upon-Avon and takes great enjoyment in all things creative, from cartoons through to literature and art.
She posts updates on her artwork at and writes in her spare time, and has a great passion for puns, bad jokes and dying her hair odd colours. Follow her on Twitter @amymclelland
Canadian band July Talk are on a great run of tour dates; after a successful...
Blind is the newest film from Norwegian writer and filmmaker Eskil Vogt, and is finally...
It’s hard to put your finger on a definition of Jack Savoretti’s...
When considering war, the military strategy and major political groups involved tend to feature...
The University of Manchester’s Whitworth...
Belle and Sebastian is band that sometimes slips under...
If you keep up with American military news, you’ll have probably heard of the name...
In advance of the release of Christopher...
Interstellar is the latest film from...
If you’ve never found yourself enjoying a Taylor Swift song even a little bit,...