The horror genre is a land of outcasts and deviants. In this cinematic...
Jeff Bridges stars as former CIA agent Danny Chase in FX’s The Old Man. He’s...
Wealthy couple Adam (Dobromir Dymecki) and Anna (Agnieszka Zulewska) have arrived at a lavish rental...
Hatching begins with a family making a video for the mother’s (Sophia Heikkilä) blog. Everything...
With Moonage Dayderam, writer and director Brett Morgen (Cobain: Montage of Heck) has crafted a...
Starring John Bernthal as tortured male escort Julian Kaye, Paramount Plus’s American Gigolo is...
Part crime thriller, part romance and part musical, the vast majority of which takes place...
Disney’s live-action remakes have garnered a reputation for being visually spectacular, though...
Adapted from the cult novel of the same name by Caroline Smailes and helmed by...
Based on Leonie Frieda’s biography of remarkable French queen Catherine de Medici, The...