Netflix animated special The House is a delightfully macabre oddity from a collection of acclaimed...
After an android uprising suddenly and inexplicably turns the USA into a war-torn wasteland in...
Covered in scratch marks and film grain, Mark Jenkins’s experimental, mind-bending horror, Enys...
Chronicling the remarkable life and career of American dancer and choreographer Alvin Ailey, Ailey (from...
Helmed by seasoned action director Michael Campbell of Casino Royale and GoldenEye fame, with a...
James Nesbitt, Cush Jumbo, and Richard Armitage star in Netflix’s latest water-cooler crime drama...
Henry Cavil straps on his silver sword to return as grumbling monster hunter Geralt in...
Following the overwhelming indifference and underperformance that met Eternals in...
Jason Statham stars in Wrath of Man (a loose adaptation of French film Le Convoyeur),...
The Resident Evil series is iconic in the world of video games. Not only...