Quirky teen romantic comedies such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Me, Earl, and...
It’s an appropriately dark and stormy night and Cordelia (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) is sitting alone in...
A kaleidoscope of dysphoria, Brandon Cronenberg’s follow-up to Antiviral proves...
Life, the saying goes, is supposed to be stranger than fiction. But...
Kun (Zhou You) sits at the back of his film class giggling with his...
“Don’t stand too close to the edge,” says Mary’s (Joanna Scanlan)...
Good and evil are two concepts that aren’t always black...
After the death of his father, sculptor Rudro...
When Ben (Matt Fifer) meets Sam (Sheldon D Brown), a one-night stand quickly evolves...
English filmmaker Jennifer Sheridan’s debut Rose: A Love Story...