Andrew Murray

  • Movie

    A kaleidoscope of dysphoria, Brandon Cronenberg’s follow-up to Antiviral proves to be just as...

  • Movie
    Finding Jack Charlton

    English footballing legend Jack Charlton, now in his 80s, stares at photos of his iconic...

  • Movie
    Fall of a Kingdom

    If there’s one thing to say about John Wynn’s historical drama Fall of a Kingdom...

  • Movie

    The latest project from Spanish filmmaker and visual artist Carlos Casas, Cemetery is a highly...

  • Movie
    Words on Bathroom Walls

    Quirky teen romantic comedies such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Me, Earl, and...

  • Movie

    It’s an appropriately dark and stormy night and Cordelia (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) is sitting alone in...

  • Film festivals
    African Apocalypse

    Life, the saying goes, is supposed to be stranger than fiction. But...

  • Film festivals

    A kaleidoscope of dysphoria, Brandon Cronenberg’s follow-up to Antiviral proves...

  • Film festivals
    Striding Into the Wind

    Kun (Zhou You) sits at the back of his film class giggling with his...

  • Film festivals
    After Love

    “Don’t stand too close to the edge,” says Mary’s (Joanna Scanlan)...