Set in Corsica in 1995, Julien Colonna’s feature debut, The Kingdom, blends a...
After the death of her father, Maribel...
A remake of the 2018 Belgian film Duelle (which is also adapted from the novel...
There are moments in writer-director Luna Carmoon’s Hoard that are strange and unsettling to watch,...
Tiger Stripes, the debut feature from Malaysian director Amanda Nell Eu, centres around rebellious...
Events take a strange turn in Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter (a nine-part series adapted from...
Based on the novel of the same name by Tamta Melashvili, Georgian-born director...
Liam Neeson stars as grizzled hitman Finbar Murphy in Netflix thriller In the...
Adapted from John McGahren’s final novel of the same name, Pat Collins’s...
Written and co-directed by Brock Driver alongside Finn Bruce, pun-titled mockumentary Swede...