Set in Corsica in 1995, Julien Colonna’s feature debut, The Kingdom, blends a...
After the death of her father, Maribel...
A remake of the 2018 Belgian film Duelle (which is also adapted from the novel...
Tiger Stripes, the debut feature from Malaysian director Amanda Nell Eu, centres around rebellious...
There are moments in writer-director Luna Carmoon’s Hoard that are strange and unsettling to watch,...
Events take a strange turn in Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter (a nine-part series adapted from...
Based on the novel of the same name by Tamta Melashvili, Georgian-born director...
Liam Neeson stars as grizzled hitman Finbar Murphy in Netflix thriller In the...
Adapted from John McGahren’s final novel of the same name, Pat Collins’s...
Written and co-directed by Brock Driver alongside Finn Bruce, pun-titled mockumentary Swede...