Period dramas are often met with a series of essential expectations that have perhaps limited...
World-building is a tricky task. In horror and sci-if especially, diegetic holes will inevitably lead...
In Bebia, viewers are rarely permitted to make eye contact with the characters. This is...
Blind is a B-movie horror that tries, in vain, to be artsy. This is half-accomplished...
In Mank, David Fincher directs his careful authorial eye towards 1930s California, providing arguably the...
In the shadow of his gimmicky stint as WCW championship winner, Hollywood star...
Queen of Hearts brings us one of the freshest and unquestionably darkest variations on the...
Bank robber Tom Carter (AKA the infamous “in-and-out bandit”) decides to redeem his weighty life...
To most filmmakers, it may seem contradictory to craft your trademark minimalist style...
“Here’s your problem… someone’s set this thing to evil” is a line from The Simpsons...