Five playlets from five of the UK’s leading writers, directed...
In Human Animals Stef Smith casts her eco-nightmare in an Orwellian,...
It doesn’t take a genius to decipher the intended message behind Jodie Foster’s Money Monster....
Whilst conceptually lurking in the world of (grim) fantasy, Liam...
Freeing the character from the limitations of Shakespeare’s...
Fox’s X-Men franchise seems to a bit of a crossroads. Whilst the first film ushered...
Given the pervasive nature of the genre, and the excesses it has reached, it is...
Based on the cult 1984 superhero film of the same name, The Toxic...
Deftly avoiding what could have been a very predictable narrative,...
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2014, Annie Baker’s The Flick...