Coffee addict and incurably curious, Cristiana works in communications and in her free time she enjoys dealing with everything digital behind the scenes of The Upcoming. Evenings and weekends are spent working with photos and reviewing as many creative events as possible. Theatre is close to her heart, and yes, as a good Italian, she loves food. Follow her on Twitter @curiosicri and Instagram @curiosicri.
How to make a gripping theatrical piece out of a climate conference and diplomacy? The...
Never in the history of Tchaikovsky’s work has the...
Concerts are performances first and foremost, and as such the thrill of live shows lies...
In the modern-looking area of King’s Cross,...
Dancing while playing the violin comes as naturally as breathing for...
In our everyday lives, we hardly realise when a moment is about to go...
A long journey deserves a great meal. And...
Deliriously enjoyable, Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss’s new musical...