Melissa McCarthy and Chris O’Dowd star in this “heartwarming comedy” about a couple dealing...
Kathy (Cathy Naden) is an archaeological academic diagnosed with a form of early-onset dementia in...
The story of a man called Henry (Dakota Shapiro) who spends his days spying on...
If there is a greater admission of failure than making the same film twice, it...
Nowadays, one might turn on the TV and wonder whether Planet of the Apes has...
In this Taiwanese sci-fi thriller, authorities believe a child murderer to have been one of...
The nation lurches from one sporting disappointment to another with the return of Space...
After a teenage girl (Denisse Azpilcueta) is abducted by the cartel in Northern...
20 years after Pixar fans first clapped eyes (or eye) on Sulley and Mike (John...
There are music documentaries that heap praise on famous stars or provide new...