A popular choice in documentary films – and one that so often proves invigorating –...
A popular sub-genre in contemporary horror cinema is what is sometimes condescendingly referred...
The world of Fabergé is one that has projected the glow of grandiosity from its...
A movie that’s sure to enrage some, captivate others, and stun everyone,...
German auteur filmmaker Edgar Reitz returns to the fictitious German...
The finest computer hackers in Hollywood always seem to have a safety net when they...
You may see Koji Fukada’s movie parading under the titles Au Revoir l’Ete, Hotori No...
Countless films attempt to sell themselves these days on being “based on a true story”....
Watching Trash is a bit like being served a Sunday roast with seasoned wedges instead...
The catastrophic production issues that have overshadowed the release of Paul Schrader’s...