The feature debut of director Barak Barkan, sensitive thriller Silence and Darkness dares to...
The grimy distant child of Dees Rees’s Mudbound and John Lee Hancock’s The Highwaymen (2019),...
As the music pounds and sweaty bodies envelop one another, this German coming-of-age drama...
For many families, fresh lockdown children’s entertainment cannot come soon enough. Alexis...
On the night of the biggest sports final in Denmark’s history, Agnes (Anne Bergfield) is...
Everyone deserves a chance in life to try whatever they like, be whoever they want...
A folklore horror, Blood Harvest depicts how in the mid-1800s a community of Irish farmers...
Breaking into new territory is certainly one of the primary aims of actor-director David...
It is an undeniable fact that famed author Shirley Jackson was an undisputed titan of...