Guy Lambert

  • Movie
    Silence and Darkness

    The feature debut of director Barak Barkan, sensitive thriller Silence and Darkness dares to...

  • Movie

    The grimy distant child of Dees Rees’s Mudbound and John Lee Hancock’s The Highwaymen (2019),...

  • Movie
    No Hard Feelings

    As the music pounds and sweaty bodies envelop one another, this German coming-of-age drama...

  • Movie
    100% Wolf

    For many families, fresh lockdown children’s entertainment cannot come soon enough. Alexis...

  • Movie
    The Ringmaster

    On the night of the biggest sports final in Denmark’s history, Agnes (Anne Bergfield) is...

  • Movie
    Everybody’s Game

    Everyone deserves a chance in life to try whatever they like, be whoever they want...

  • Movie
    Blood Harvest

    A folklore horror, Blood Harvest depicts how in the mid-1800s a community of Irish farmers...

  • Movie
    Under My Skin

    Breaking into new territory is certainly one of the primary aims of actor-director David...

  • Movie

    It is an undeniable fact that famed author Shirley Jackson was an undisputed titan of...