Hannah Staunton

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Originally from Hertfordshire, Hannah has lived in London for the past five years since graduating from Nottingham Trent University where she studied a degree in Film and Television. She now works in the charity sector and is training to be a yoga teacher, but has always been passionate about all things creative. Hannah's speciality is cinema, from art-house to mainstream, but also enjoys checking out the music scene and writing about new and upcoming artists. She also has a big interest in the food, drink and cafe culture in London especially vegetarian and healthy eateries. Follow her on Instagram @hannah_banas and Twitter @hannahrstauntonr.

  • Movie
    A Quiet Passion

    A Quiet Passion follows the story of 19th century American poet Emily Dickinson, from her time...

  • Movie

    IT lives up to its name with an unambitious storyline and delivery. Unsurprisingly, it focuses on today’s...

  • Live music
    The Fratellis at the Forum

    The general public probably haven’t heard a huge amount from The Fratellis in the...

  • Food & Drinks
    World Vegan Day 2016: Top five vegan places to eat in London

    To a lot of people, the idea of eating a completely vegan meal...

  • Live music
    DMA’s at The Electric Ballroom

    Camden’s Electric Ballroom was charged with anticipation for Sydney-based rock...

  • Movie
    The First Monday in May

    Anna Wintour steals the show again. Of course she does, she’s one of the most...

  • Movie
    The Infiltrator

    Oh, my wow – Bryan Cranston certainly impresses as much as he did in Breaking Bad....

  • Movie

    Daniel Radcliffe has taken on some interesting characters since the role that will always define...

  • Movie

    With Cell, it doesn’t take long to get the gist of what the next hour...

  • Movie

    Throughout Tickled it’s impossible to know whether to laugh or gasp. The opening scenes begin to...