After his moderately successful move to the action/thriller genre with Hanna, director Joe Wright...
Based on a graphic novel by the same name, The Reverend brings a new addition...
Like a stimulant to film fanatics, the much anticipated Venice Film...
A film about making a killing, both financially and literally, Dead in France is a...
A Few Best Men is the male equivalent of Bridesmaids (2011). Featuring one hapless groom,...
Taking a rather sobering look into a mature relationship, Hope Springs endeavours to see the...
Bringing more muscle to the red carpet than any action-fan could dream of, Sylvester Stallone...
Knock, knock Who’s there? The Expendables The Expendables, who? No: The Expendables 2 –...
Ultimately a movie about finding oneself, This Must Be the Place tells the story of...
The ultimate revenge game; Truth or Dare is a horror film made up from psychological...