The concept may be ludicrous, but where director Michael Bay’s latest film really surprises...
It seems fashionable in recent blockbuster genres for our planet to become the last place...
Ignore the anti-hype of this 1950s remake because quite frankly there is nothing more enjoyable...
The plot is a sombre one: Scott Walker’s Alaskan crime thriller, The Frozen Ground, is...
And they’re back…but for how much longer? That is the question, as the trio responsible...
Bringing a colossal combination of alien monsters and manmade robots is director Guillermo Del...
Did you know “Googliness” was measurable? In Shawn Levy’s latest film, the new summer...
Modest films tend to make the most impact with an intensity and unpredictability that...
Sometimes watching celebrities get rich, fall in love, have amazing adventures and happy endings...
Amanda Seyfried delivers the performance of her career as 70s porn star icon Linda Lovelace in...