Based on a true story, Argo is a nail-biting thriller depicting the CIA’s...
Nauseatingly heavy and not in the least bit pleasurable to watch, The Paperboy is the...
There is guaranteed to be something in Cloud Atlas that will tickle your fancy, whether...
Kick-starting 2013’s scares with forceful impact is Mama, a film executively produced by the limitless...
What do you get if you cross the British soap opera Emmerdale with a zombie...
Children’s fairy tales always make for a good film narrative, especially...
Based on the actual events that went down in December 1995, The Fall of the...
Bringing a hugely popular West End stage play to the big screen is always going...
There is nothing more depressing than to enter the New Year and head into Valentine’s...
Directed by Jan Schmidt-Garre, Breath of the Gods is an alluring documentary in search of...