A blast of Christmas joy and merriment awaits those who venture into...
Cecilia Knapp’s Losing the Night, a fine play with plenty of great...
Gaslight burns brightly at the Playground Theatre. This gripping thriller,...
Weird but enjoyable: that about sums up Nicola Gunn’s...
Wilton’s Music Hall, London’s most stunning theatre (and if...
Rare is a show so accurately billed as Preludes, “a musical fantasia set in...
A tingly, toe-tapping experience. Dogfight is a little lacking in narrative...
With a swift jab of wit and a clumsy stumble, The Merry Wives of...
This dark, emotional romp lurches back and forth in pursuit of a truth it never...
Idris Elba and Kwame Kwei-Armah’s Tree is an immersive spectacle that transports the...