The prospect of a gentle, three-and-a-half-hour observational...
There’s a curious moment in Cryptozoo that might inspire a few quick mental calculations. The...
The Isan people of the northeast region of Thailand believe that there are...
Fiction and reality are evenly matched in a playful scuffle in director Alonso...
It’s a clear sign Covid-19 has been around for a while that a number of...
It might be thought that a film depicting the calm attempts of a private investment...
2021 is a year of twosomes for director Antoine Fuqua. His film Infinite had its...
While direct adaptations of writer Isaac Asimov’s work are rather thin on the ground (with...
It’s hard to fault ambition, even when it isn’t quite fulfilled. Between Waves attempts to...
For contemporary audiences, movie musicals tend to have a polarising...