Since Friedkin gave us claustrophobic horror Bug back in 2006, his transition into television, namely...
The Open City Docs Festival has hit its midway...
Documentaries have a unique quality to them. They don’t just tell a story. They tell...
Following the debacle that was Spider-Man 3 back in 2007, Sam Raimi (who had been...
Based on one of the most dramatic events in European history according to Writer and...
While April baked Britain with summer temperatures, June decided to throw in much...
In a recent interview, Robert Pattinson sheepishly admitted that his mother had begun calling him...
Poliss, or Polisse in French, adopts its name from a slang word used by children when...
“I feel as though being part of a television sitcom (like Spaced) restricts you...
Ahead of the release of A Fantastic Fear of...