A year after the massacre at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris, Nick...
James Newell Osterberg Jr – articulate, insightful, with a deep gravely voice that oozes like...
“Can love exist in an immigration removal centre?” was the unusual...
“It’s been a weird day hasn’t it?” was KT Tunstall’s opening...
“Disgraced” X Factor star James Arthur is convincingly back...
What better way to end a packed weekend of blues, rock and soul than...
Shakespeare’s Hamlet is reimagined once again, this time by an all-black cast and...
Thom Sutherland, director of sellout production Titanic, works his magic again...
Despite being one of the world’s best-loved operas, Mozart’s The Magic...
Memories are strange things: at once vague yet potent, blurry yet acutely...