Based on Akira Kurosawa’s 1952 drama Ikiru, and set in the year after the Japanese...
Amy (Jessica Chastain) works night shifts in the intensive care unit of a New Jersey...
Premiering Triangle of Sadness at Cannes Film Festival 2022 was a bold choice. Five years...
It’s 1st April 1923 on the Irish island of Inisherin, when, out of the blue, Colm...
After suffering a severe stroke, Patrick Hazlewood (Rupert Everett) is taken in by a couple...
The surprise film screened at this year’s London Film Festival was The Menu....
After suffering a severe stroke, Patrick Hazlewood (Rupert Everett) is taken in...
Richy Bravo is an over-the-hill Schlager singer, who performs for off-season tour...
Luca Guadagnino’s adaptation of Camille DeAngelis’s coming-of-age novel...