During a night on the town, single father Luke (Ben Hardy) sees Aysha (Jason Patel)...
Just a few months after Poor Things swept the Oscars, Yorgos Lanthimos’s next feature is...
Inspired by a book of photographs portraying a motorcycle gang in the 1960s, American director...
Desperate to connect with her family’s roots, New York journalist Ruth Rothwax (Lena Dunham) decides...
To cinema purists who look at the credited cast before going to see a film...
While most fashion designers live in relative anonymity to anyone unfamiliar with the...
The French term “amour fou” (literally translates to “crazy love”) is...
As the world is bracing itself for Billy Zane’s portrayal of Marlon Brando in...
As the daughter of not one but two acting legends (Marcello Mastroianni and...