English psychedelic rock group Kula Shaker is entirely unique: frontman Crispian...
The mind behind Shelter Boy is Simon Graupner; the German dream pop singer,...
In 2010, Hereford native Ellie Goulding skyrocketed to the top of charts...
Mancunian-born singer George...
Beyoncé Knowles Carter is a name that needs no introduction; with over 20 years...
The Who’s Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend have had an extensive history...
Soft jazz-pop 2000s darling Norah Jones has many accolades to her name, including...
Although only two years old, Irish folk group Kingfishr has accomplished great heights....
The sun is starting to shine upon the UK as spring...
After speaking with Irish-folk rockers Kingfishr in November of this past year, ideas of...