Helen Mirren stars with Om Puri as two restaurateurs who rival for the attention of...
Walt Disney takes this remarkable true story and turns it into an uplifting baseball tale...
Imagine dark and dreary Parisian streets in 1860, incest, lust and murder. You...
Ironically, Big Star, a short-lived Memphis rock band from the 1970s, never quite...
Many already know the story of Oscar Wilde; how his life played...
Set in an apartment in New York, Marry Me A Little brings together Sondheim’s...
What happens when you mix a couple of pigs, cabaret and opera? The...
Adapted from Wodehouse’s 1938 novel The Code...
Richard Linekar brings to the screen a heart-warming passage of life story, bearing the trials,...
Dark, tragic and thought-provoking, East of Berlin explodes in the...