Taking place in a not too distant sci-fi future, Lapsis tells the story of delivery...
Chris McKay’s The Tomorrow War opens with strong audio to set the short introductory scene....
In Georgian director Nikolay Sarkisov’s debut feature, the audience watches the deterioration of a...
In writer-director-star Mark Webber’s The Place of No Words, a father (Webber) and his...
Highly anticipated horror trilogy Fear Street gets off to a rocky start with Part 1:...
Taking the premise of Freaky Friday and adding a dash of horror, Freaky tells the...
It’s a tired joke in Hollywood that William Shatner’s acting skills aren’t exactly up to...
In the frozen wastes of northern Canada, a mine collapse traps a group of miners...
There are music documentaries that heap praise on famous stars or provide new...
When Nicole (Dakota Johnson) is diagnosed with terminal cancer, the world she shares with her...