Prospective viewers should not be fooled into thinking The Power is only concerned with a paranormal...
Based on the life of Fernande Grudet, more commonly known as “Madame Claude”, Sylvie...
Into the Labyrinth boasts Dustin Hoffman and Toni Servillo as its leads, and it has...
Original Gangster is the fable-like portrayal of London’s underworld, directed by Savvas D...
Jennifer Sheridan’s feature directorial debut follows married couple Sam (Matt Stokoe, also...
A Dragon’s Adventure is exactly what it says on the tin: A family movie filled...
Netflix’s latest addition to its seemingly never-ending repertoire of teenage romances is A Week...
Fairy tales meet the crime-fighting world of James Bond in Wizard Animation’s...
The opening scene of I’m Not in Love braces viewers for a film of witty...