Mouthpiece originated as a theatrical piece by Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava, making its transition...
French revenge-thriller Sentinelle is an action-packed Netflix film centred around actress Olga...
An independent man struggles to make sense of his changing circumstances, doubting loved ones and...
World-building is a tricky task. In horror and sci-if especially, diegetic holes will inevitably lead...
The Andy McNab phenomenon is easy to miss if one isn’t inclined toward the nationalistic,...
Eddie Murphy was one of the the biggest movie stars of the 80s and Coming...
Eye of the Storm is a loving elegy to James Morrison, Scotland’s most accomplished landscape...
The Dissident is a documentary about the 2018 death of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist...
After her 2019 comedy Wine Country, Amy Poehler returns to directing for Netflix with Moxie,...
Following 2016’s acclaimed documentary Fuocoammare, which offered a glimpse of life on the island of...