From Pippi Longstocking to Annie to Matilda, every recent generation of kids grows up with...
Netflix’s commitment to releasing a major-motion picture every single week this year includes a...
Perhaps the most straightforwardly joyous part of Tina is when Ms Turner, now 80 years...
Six Minutes to Midnight is inspired by a strange and little-known footnote in the...
Three years after the eventual release of Terry Gilliam’s long-awaited The Man Who Killed...
You would be forgiven for not having heard of Romans – a low budget British...
A quirky modern-day romance, Benjamin Bond’s directorial debut is a post-Brexit tale capturing the...
The final months of pregnancy are in theory characterised by rest and relaxation to guarantee...
Director Tiller Russell, whose documentary The Night Stalker proved a hit on Netflix, delivers his...
Television actress Sarah Lancaster makes her directorial debut with slow-burn drama Josie &...