Eternal Beauty tells the story of Jane (played by Sally Hawkins), a paranoid-schizophrenic whose...
When unemployed academic Yun-ju (Lee Sung-jae) becomes agitated by the sound of barking...
After a hugely successful debut at last year’s Toronto Film Festival, the long-awaited British coming...
When South Korean auteur Bong Joon-ho won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language...
In Sally Potter’s first star-studded drama since The Party in 2017, The Roads Not Taken...
Taking viewers into the gritty, violent world of New Zealand’s street gang culture, Savage (the...
A tale of savagery and brutality at its heart, The Painted Bird is Václav Marhoul’s...
After five botched release dates, The New Mutants has finally reached cinemas. Dropping in the...
It’s safe to say we’re all in need of some feel-good escapism right now. The...