While, at its core, a simple morality tale about the dangers of greed, Cristina Gallego’s...
In a gender-swapped adaptation of the 1988 Michael Caine and Steve Martin movie Dirty Rotten...
Built around historical events, this deeply moving coming-of-age drama depicts the harrowing...
Revered Parisian writer and director Claire Denis is well known for the other-worldly sensibility of...
Pessimists Frank (Keanu Reeves) and Lindsay (Winona Ryder) are about as cynical as cynics can...
When it was revealed that the first live action Pokémon movie was to centre around...
In 1972, when Aretha Franklin was already hailed Queen of Soul worldwide, she decided to...
Death, despite it being a taboo subject in western cultures, is an intrinsic and inevitable...
Director Josephine Decker’s latest experimental feature relates the story of a...
Approximately ten sentences are uttered in Joe Penna’s tale of arctic endurance starring Mads Mikkelson...