As the Christmas season approaches and the ubiquitous overload of tinsel-drenched films...
The Crown’s Claire Foy stars in the latest instalment of the Dragon...
A remarkable, poignant and emotional documentary by Catherine Lurie-Alt, Back to Berlin follows 11...
A joint collaboration between filmmakers Peter Mettler and Emma Davie and writer and...
Situated somewhere between The Purge and Spring Breakers, femmes-ploitation flick...
Embroiled in Russian gangsters, fist fights and shady hotels alongside a soundtrack of classical strings...
With the success of the first instalment still fairly fresh in the...
The Image Book is a meditative response to the current political climate in the Middle...
Laurent Cantet delivers an acute, complex character study of an angry young man, superbly written...
This black comedy begins when ageing assassin Leslie (Tom Wilkinson)...