Based on the novel of the same name by Tamta Melashvili, Georgian-born director...
In A24 romance thriller, Love Lies Bleeding Kristen Stewart plays Lou, manager of a New...
Following the warm reception of her debut film in 2018, Soudade Kaadan is releasing her...
Liam Neeson stars as grizzled hitman Finbar Murphy in Netflix thriller In the...
Ruminating on loss of faith and hope, the wonderfully heartfelt Ordinary Angels is a theatrical...
It might seem like we’ve seen it all before, whether in 1980s action flicks and...
There’s Still Tomorrow’s title is like the whole film: it brings hope. It has its...
Adapted from John McGahren’s final novel of the same name, Pat Collins’s...
When Marwan Barghouti was a young boy, the IDF killed his dog. This, his son...