Carlos Marques-Marcet is an exciting Spanish filmmaker who made his name through...
Two for Joy isn’t just nostalgia-inducing in its turn-of-the-millennia (judging by the video games...
As history shows, the last days of the Second World War were a dark period...
Documentaries centred around a single figure have a delicate line to walk. These people are...
Combining elements of period drama, suspense, psychological thriller and gothic horror, Lenny...
Paul Feig has a career full of hits and misses, often within the same movie....
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes”, the prodigious – if unstable – Michael Silva (Mark...
When New York artist Miranda (Mireille Enos) – who specialises in invading the privacy of...
In 1975, Arul Pragasam and his family travelled from Hounslow, London to the Sri Lankan...
Climax is not a film for the faint of heart. Those familiar with director Gaspar Noé’s...