Since the turn of the noughties, Disney has headed back into their animated vault and...
The Guardians is what some might call a “slow burner”, but it is one that...
The Equalizer 2 is worse than the first one. The first movie wasn’t good. The...
Hearts Beat Loud is just as upbeat and alive as its name. A true dramedy,...
Forget the glitz and glamour of spy thrillers: Tracking Edith delves into the complexities of...
The Meg is ridiculous shark-shlock with wisecracking dialogue, big splashes and an even bigger fish. The...
In 2001, German filmmaker Thomas Riedelsheimer directed Rivers and Tides, an award-winning...
The ensemble comedy Dog Days is an ambitious film exploring the connection between canines and...
Bursting with lust, love, anguish and heartache. Cruising at a steady, subdued pace, taking in...
Teen dystopian drama The Darkest Minds is an ambitious feature based on Alexandra Bracken’s...