The kitchen drama is something that has increasingly arrested the attention of audiences in...
The Settlers is an extremely brutal and thought-provoking piece by Felipe Gálvez that dives deep...
Wrestling is a laugh, isn’t it? Characters, each more ridiculous than the last, play-fighting in...
The latest film produced by Illumination, and the studio’s first original project since 2016,...
Scratch the surface of most art, and a study of duplexity will reveal itself –...
In his penetrating and rib-tickling debut, American Fiction, Cord Jefferson is truly determined...
In Abel Ferrara’s latest homage to an Italian priest, Shia LaBeouf shines as a lost...
Based on the short film of the same name by Alberto Corredor, Baghead sees Iris...
For Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple, it has been a whirlwind...